Alexander González García


On 13th October 2007, on the occasion of Eid al-fitr al Mubarak 1428 A.H., Muslim leaders and scholars sent Christian leaders an historic open letter concerning interreligious dialogue and human rights known as “A Common Word between us and you”. This letter proposes that the theme of the love of the One God and the love of the Neighbour is a common basic teaching of both Islam and Christianity. This common ground stems from the foundational principles of both faiths as are expressed in the Qur’an and in the Bible.

In this article, it is analysed the Muslim proposal towards a common base for interreligious dialogue. In the first place, it is studied this proposal as it is given by Muslims in the open letter.  Then, it is elucidated valuable aspects that this initiative contains which can help to develop peaceful interfaith encounters.  Besides, it is explored some ambiguities that this proposal contains which can cause difficulties in interreligious dialogue. Finally, it is presented the idea that the Muslim proposal should be move towards a more inclusive base for interreligious dialogue that includes believers and non-believers in order to promote widely human rights.

Palabras clave

interreligious dialogue, A Common Word, Islam, Christianity, human rights.

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ISSN Impreso 0124-0102

ISSN Electrónico 2390-0202

Revista de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Libre Seccional Barranquilla

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